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Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween 2008
This year's Halloween started last week Saturday. Old Navy was having a Freaky Fun Day, where the kids could come dressed up and get prizes and get things really cheap, yeah for me. Then on Wednesday night, the YW put on our Trunk or Treat at the ward and we decorated the back of the truck with gravestones and lights. I thought it turned at pretty well, seeing as I did it about 3 hours before it was supposed to start. Then Halloween came along and Gray's office had a Halloween thing for the kids. I didn't think that they were going to have, Trick or Treating, I thought that they were going to have a little parade, have some treats and we would be on our way. Well, apparently whoever wanted to decorate or hand out candy from their offices could. We went to 2 floors and ended up with a bunch of candy. Later on that night we took her out in our neighborhood and that was fun, she got some more candy and we got to meet more of our neighbors. All in all it was alot of fun, with the execption of me actually making her a costume and her not wearing it. Everytime I tried to put it on her, she was not having it. We ended up wearing the Skunk costume, Aunty Kay and Aunty Nessa got her, which worked out better seeing as it was a little cooler and the skunk costume kept her pretty warm.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Monday, October 20, 2008
Our trip to Roloff Farms
Well we made it out to Roloff Farms. We got there first thing Saturday morning when it opened and good thing we did, we had to wait about 15 minutes to get from the street to the parking lot. By the time we left people were waiting about an hour to get from the street to the parking lot and it was backed up about 2 miles down the road. It was fun and we will be going back next year.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Andy, you Goonie!!!
For Labor Day we decided that since we are so close to where Goonies was filmed, we would take a trip out to the coast to see where they filmed it.
Our first stop was to The Astoria Column. In the pictures that I had seen, I thought that it was small, but when we got there, it was huge. Apparently you can walk inside it to the top of the column and take in the great view, but that day it was closed for renovations. With that said we took a few more pictures, figured out where we wanted to go next and then headed on down to one of the forts that Lewis & Clark had build and stayed at. I didn't get any pictures of the fort, but that is okay, it wasn't worth the 6.00 that we paid.
After that we decided to get something to eat and then go and find the Goonie house. In our search for the Goonies house, we found the jail that one of the Fratelli brothers broke out of. We tried to find the pizza place that Chunk smashes the pizza and drink on the window, but we couldn't find it. So we found the house and while doing it, we found the school that Kindergarden Cop was filmed at. To get to the Goonie house, we had park the car and walk a little ways up to the house, while doing so, we ran into some other people that were doing the same thing that we were doing (we aren't the only Goonie nerds!!). We got up there and we saw Data's house and the fence that Chunk did the truffle shuffle at, it was so cool.
Our first stop was to The Astoria Column. In the pictures that I had seen, I thought that it was small, but when we got there, it was huge. Apparently you can walk inside it to the top of the column and take in the great view, but that day it was closed for renovations. With that said we took a few more pictures, figured out where we wanted to go next and then headed on down to one of the forts that Lewis & Clark had build and stayed at. I didn't get any pictures of the fort, but that is okay, it wasn't worth the 6.00 that we paid.
After that we decided to get something to eat and then go and find the Goonie house. In our search for the Goonies house, we found the jail that one of the Fratelli brothers broke out of. We tried to find the pizza place that Chunk smashes the pizza and drink on the window, but we couldn't find it. So we found the house and while doing it, we found the school that Kindergarden Cop was filmed at. To get to the Goonie house, we had park the car and walk a little ways up to the house, while doing so, we ran into some other people that were doing the same thing that we were doing (we aren't the only Goonie nerds!!). We got up there and we saw Data's house and the fence that Chunk did the truffle shuffle at, it was so cool.
The trip was a good one, the drive to the coast was amazing. If you are ever out this way, you should definately make it one of your stops to see.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
18 months!!!!
I finally figured out how to do a collage, yeah for me!!!!! With that said, here is the big girl. I can't believe how much she has grown in 18 months. She is talking so much more, her new thing that she likes to say is What!!!! She also like to tell us that she has gone poo poo, so we have tried her out on the potty. She's not to sure about it, but that is probably my fault, seeing as the first time I put her on the "big girl potty", I didn't put it on tight and it moved on her when she sat down, opps!! She also loves to play at the park and go for walks. She is also starting to play disc golf with us. We have bought her a little disk, and Gray is teaching her how to throw it, it is the cutest thing ever!!! With that said, here are some pictures of the cutest little girl ever!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Video's of the Peanut
We love the way she says No and Yes. The second video has her "Free Shoes" in it.
Cheap and Free Stuff
Cheap Stuff
The other day I went to the DI with my Relief Society President and boy was that a wonderful outing. I never thought that I would find as many things as I did for $13.00. I found a cute jean jumper from Old Navy, winter coat, a hoodie from Gymboree and some jammies from Carter's, but I didn't find a Mr. "T" like Malia did, but I'm going to keep an eye out for that next time I go. After the DI we went to the Bishop's Storehouse. I haven't been to the Bishop's Storehouse for a long time and when I walked in the door, I thought to myself, man the church in amazing. Now for the next part of my blog.
Free Stuff
Today the Peanut and I went to the Nike Campus and did Kid Fit Testing. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is when you go and try on their prototype shoes to see how they fit and they also look to see how they fit. They take that information and send it back to the designer and they make the necessary changes. Well when we were all done with that, which took all of 30 minutes, they said we could take a pair of shoes, that's right we got a pair of $40.00 toddler shoes for free, crazy!!, I know (they look like they are last season's shoe, who cares) or we could get a pass to the employee store for the whole family. So next time we go back, we are getting the pass to the employee store for some really inexpensive shoes.
I love free and cheap stuff!!!!!
The other day I went to the DI with my Relief Society President and boy was that a wonderful outing. I never thought that I would find as many things as I did for $13.00. I found a cute jean jumper from Old Navy, winter coat, a hoodie from Gymboree and some jammies from Carter's, but I didn't find a Mr. "T" like Malia did, but I'm going to keep an eye out for that next time I go. After the DI we went to the Bishop's Storehouse. I haven't been to the Bishop's Storehouse for a long time and when I walked in the door, I thought to myself, man the church in amazing. Now for the next part of my blog.
Free Stuff
Today the Peanut and I went to the Nike Campus and did Kid Fit Testing. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is when you go and try on their prototype shoes to see how they fit and they also look to see how they fit. They take that information and send it back to the designer and they make the necessary changes. Well when we were all done with that, which took all of 30 minutes, they said we could take a pair of shoes, that's right we got a pair of $40.00 toddler shoes for free, crazy!!, I know (they look like they are last season's shoe, who cares) or we could get a pass to the employee store for the whole family. So next time we go back, we are getting the pass to the employee store for some really inexpensive shoes.
I love free and cheap stuff!!!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
So Much Hair for One Little Girl!!!

Everytime Peanut and I go out, everyone comments on her hair, "That is a lot of hair, was she born with all that hair? her hair is beautiful!!" you know, things like that. Well, yes it is beautiful and gorgeous, but man trying to keep it beautiful is no walk in the park (Mom, now I see why you gave my a boy cut when I was younger). I have learned that food and cartoons or letting her see/touch things that she is normally not allowed to play with works the best at keeping her happy while I do her hair. With that said, here are some pictures of the after.....

Just a side note, the other morning we were looking for the Peanut's "Happy" (aka "Beanky, Plug") and we couldn't find it in her crib, but lo and behold we found it when she stood up, it was in her hair.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Fruits of Our Labors!!
There is this great little island down the street from us called Sauvie Island. There are quite a few farms that you can pay and pick veggies & fruit. About two weeks ago we went over on a Saturday to pick blueberries and this is what we ended up with ........ 

I forgot to take my camera with us, so this was after we got home. They also had cabbage, flowers, herbs and corn, but we really only wanted the fruit and the corn wasn't ready yet. It all tasted so wonderful and it is so nice having fresh fruit around the corner from us.

Monday, August 18, 2008
Red Bull Flugtag
So ever since I had seen the commercials on TV for Red Bull Flugtag, I have wanted to find one and go. Well it was just our luck. The week after we moved up to Portland, Flugtag was taking place just down the street from Gray's office. After much looking for the perfect spot, this is what we found, well actually, what Gray found, yes we are sitting in the Ivy.
When we got there, there weren't many people there, but by the end of the event, you could barely move. That spot ended up being the best spot in the place, well in my opinion. We were in the shade, we could see the launch pad perfectly and even though we were in the middle of the Ivy, it wasn't as bad as I initally thought. Here are some pictures of the crowds and some of the rigs, enjoy!!!

I highly recommend going if you ever have the chance to go, it was so much fun to see what people can come up with. One suggestion, get there early.


Saturday, August 9, 2008
We Made It!!!!
After much talk of moving up to Portland, we have finally made it. We have been up here for a little over 3 weeks and are loving it. I have to give a shot out to Jen, if anyone ever needs their car pack to it's capacity, call her, she got things packed into the car, that I thought was never going to fit, with that said, our trip up was good. We left early Friday morning and drove for about 14 hours to Medford. Peanut did great, despite the fact that she had a top tooth and a molar coming in. Here is a picture of Peanut and Grammy sleeping, sorry mom, had to put this up.
We made a few stops on the way to let her get out and play and to let ourselves get out and move around. When we got to Medford and checked into the hotel, Peanut had had it. She was crying like a crazy lady and the minute she got out of the car, she was happy as can be, but then again, who wouldn't be crying like a crazy lady after being lock into a carseat for about 14 hours. Our next morning we started out pretty early again and made it to Portland in about 4 hours. We had to go to the property management company first to fill out rental information and to get our keys. Mom and Jen, bless their hearts, stayed outside with the crazy lady. Well with that done, we drove over to our house. This is what we had to cross over to get our house. For those of you who don't know, there are quite a few bridges in Portland and we are pretty lucky to have this beautiful bridge to cross over.
We finally got to our place and it was so nice to finally be here. We are now settled and making a home for ourselves. We live a block away from a great park, it has a place were the peanut can play, there is a pool, tennis court, basketball court, a disk golf course, which is beautiful, baseball fields and a soccer field. Our ward is great, our records just got read in on Sunday and they already had me playing the organ and piano.
The past few weeks have been great, I love the chance that I have to be at home with Wehilani and I am greatful for the job that Gray has that I am able to do that. I miss everyone at home and if anyone is up in the great northwest, please call us so we can see you. Much love, Kamaile.

The past few weeks have been great, I love the chance that I have to be at home with Wehilani and I am greatful for the job that Gray has that I am able to do that. I miss everyone at home and if anyone is up in the great northwest, please call us so we can see you. Much love, Kamaile.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Please, Please, Please vote for them!!!
If any of my friends, family or anyone else out there for that matter, are in need of some service, please go to this website and follow the link and vote. My sister and brother-in-law have been nominated for a home makeover and they are well in need of it. My brother-in-law's sister wrote a wonderful story about their situation and when you read it, it will make you see how much in need they are of this makeover. They are a wonderful family and my brother-in-law and sister are amazing people. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote for them. Much Aloha!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Peanut's 1st Ukulele concert
Get ready family, this is just the beginning!!!
(Our family talent for next reunion!!)
(Our family talent for next reunion!!)
Silly Faces
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Portland trip
Here are a few pictures from our trip up to the Great Northwest. All I have to say is that it is BEAUTIFUL!!
Our stop to the side of the freeway (Mt. Hood in the background)
For those of you who watch "Little People, Big World", you all know that they live on the outskirts of Portland. So we decided to go out to the farm and see what we could see. When we got there ofcourse the farm is closed until pumpkin season, so we had to settle for the sign at the beginning of the driveway, but you just wait until pumpkin season and we will have more pictures from the farm.
(sorry about the formatting, still really haven't figured it out)

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