So ever since I had seen the commercials on TV for Red Bull Flugtag, I have wanted to find one and go. Well it was just our luck. The week after we moved up to Portland, Flugtag was taking place just down the street from Gray's office. After much looking for the perfect spot, this is what we found, well actually, what Gray found, yes we are sitting in the Ivy.
When we got there, there weren't many people there, but by the end of the event, you could barely move. That spot ended up being the best spot in the place, well in my opinion. We were in the shade, we could see the launch pad perfectly and even though we were in the middle of the Ivy, it wasn't as bad as I initally thought. Here are some pictures of the crowds and some of the rigs, enjoy!!!

I highly recommend going if you ever have the chance to go, it was so much fun to see what people can come up with. One suggestion, get there early.


Is Gray sitting in the stroller? What a good baby.
Please explain to me what they are doing?
What these people do is try to out build each other with these crazy floats and race them off the end of the pier to see who's can fly the farthest. It was so much fun, there were 31 teams altogether.
You're telling me that Gray didn't have his own float?
Sorry, that previous post was from me.
Just you wait until next time they come back to Portland, Gray is already talking about entering something.
Wow, that is a BIG crowd. Man, I miss you guys! With you and Rachael and Jen (well now she's back) gone I have nobody to vent and/or talk to! I actually cried the frist sunday you guys left. I had to leave sunday school and go to the bathroom. Sad hah?
Now I thought you were going to build and fly one of those things.
Has that sister of yours had a baby yet?
No baby yet, hopefully next week.
When Gray motioned that he found a spot for us in the ivy I thought "reeeealy"? being a team player I did it. And very happy I did. It was shaded and cool. We had to change our seating as our bums padded as they may look are still no match for the thick ivy vines. You can tell that I really liked this event because when about 40 people got up from the waters edges to make their exodus because they said there were snakes and rats down there....we didn't budge. after all there were still a good 100 or more people still between us and the rats and snakes. It was a good thing we went to the bathroom at Grays hoity toity waterfront office [it's really beautiful and the view is spectacular] before we headed to the venue, because I would have been too embarrassed to get up with my big moule right in somebodys face since people kept sneaking into every availiable space around us. There were people everywhere & on the bridge and boats. So much fun. Thank you Ronks.
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