Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cute vinyl signs

So Hina's (Kellee, my sister) friend, is starting to do vinyl signs and I thought they were pretty cute, so I decided to put some pictures up and help her out with advertising her stuff. Take a look at some more of her stuff, you won't be disappointed -


Angie said...

Hi, it's Kellee's friend Angie. I will send you something out for posting these. I will be putting together a blog full of vinyl shortly, but I do also just sell the vinyl for on the walls, or a sticker on the back of your car. Let me know what you would like and what size and I can give you prices. my e-mail is

Tommy and Jolynn said...

CONGRATS on the baby boy!!! OH we are so happy for you guys!!

Burnhams said...

Hey Ronks, dont know if you remember us from Ontario. I was blog hopping and ran into your blog. Your little girl is so cute. Congrats on the boy to be! said...

CONGRATSion on the baby